The first step toward working with Barkville is to fill out a contact form below. When describing your dog, try to include information like particular behavioral triggers, such as noise, dog, or person reactivity — e.g. “My dog is reactive to men wearing hats.” If your inquiry is about boarding, be sure to include allergies and particular diet traits your dog may have.
Your Info
First Name:
Last Name:
How did you hear about Barkville?
Referred by: (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Word of Mouth, Friend/Family - include client name)
What are your goals for you and your dog?
What is your timeline to reach your goals?
Your Dog
Dog's Name
Dog's Breed
(Or your best guess)
Dog's Sex
Dog's Age (Years)
Dog's Weight
Not yet
Does your dog have any current health issues or illnesses?
Is your dog currently on any medication?
When did you get your dog?
Do you have any other pets in your house?
Has your dog ever bitten another animal or human?
How many hours a day is your dog home alone?
How does your dog respond when you enter the home?
How does your dog respond when strangers enter the home?